Gonçalo Mabunda
Title: “Tears of a Mother” 2019
Technique: Welding / Obsolete Weapons and Metal
Gonçalo Mabunda
Title: “The Saxophonist” 2007
Technique: Welding / Obsolete Weapons and Metal
Gonçalo Mabunda
Title: “Throne of the Spectators” 2019
Technique: Welding / Obsolete Weapons and Metal
Gonçalo Mabunda
Title: “The General” 2020
Technique: Welding / Metal
Gonçalo Mabunda
Title: “Mother Africa” 2003
Technique: Welding / Obsolete Weapons and Metal
Gonçalo Mabunda
Title: “Portrait of the Father”2009
Technique: Welding / Obsolete Weapons and Metal
Gonçalo Mabunda
Title: “ The Unmistakable” 2020
Technique: Welding / Obsolete Weapons and Metal
Gonçalo Mabunda
Title: “The Heir to the Clouds” 2019
Technique: Welding / Obsolete Weapons and Metal
Dimensions: 156 cm x 86 cm x 26 cm